الخميس، 1 يوليو 2010

Are you crazy ?!!- Talking about the Imaams of the Sunnah. !!!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
الحمد الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليماً كثيراً أما بعد
يقول الإمام الذهبي وهو يدافع عن الإمام علي إبن المديني " أفما لك عقل يا عقيلي أتدري فيمن تتكلم.وإنما تبعناك في ذكرهذا النمط لنذب عنهم ولنزيف ما قيل فيهم كأنك لا تدري أن كل واحد من هؤلاء أوثق منك بطبقات بل وأوثق من ثقات كثيرين لم توردهم في كتابك فهذا مما لا يرتاب فيه محدث " .

Source: Al Miizaan

 Imaam Adh Dhahabi rahimahullah said while he was defending the Imaam, the Muhadith of his time, the one who Imaam Al Bukhaari felt small infront of, Imaam  'Ali ibn AlMadeeni rahimahullah 
" Don't you have an intellect oh 'Uqaylii !!. Do you know who are talking about ? !!!, we only followed you in mentioning their mistakes so that we can defend them and to destroy what was said about them. As if you don't know that every one of these (Muhaditheen) are more trustworthy than you by grades and they have been declared to be trustworthy by many of the trustworthy(Muhaditheen) and there is no doubt about this in any Muhadith. "

Source: Mizaan ul I'tidaal : 3/138-140 or the tarjamah of علي بنُ عبدِ اللهِ بنِ جعفر in Mizaanul I'tidaal

So Imaam Adh Dhahabi is talking like this to a Muhadith ( al 'Uqayli ) why, you may ask. because he rahimahullah included Ali ibn al Madeeni in his book Ad Du'afaa'a (the weak narrators) and he critisized him. 

Sheikh Muqbil rahimahullah commented on this statement of Imaam Dhahabi
فلو قلنا أفما لك عقل يا غزالي أو أفما لك عقل يا حسن الترابي لكنا مصيبين
"... If we said, "don't you have an intellect oh ghazaali?!!, or don't you have an intellect oh hasan at turaabi?!!, we would be correct.."

source: Lecture: Manhaju Ahlil Hadeeth.
 So what do we say to those who criticize the Imaams of our times like Sheikhul Islaam Abdul'azeez bin Baaz, ibn Uthaymeen. Sheikh Rabee' al Madkhali, Muqbil Al Waadi'ii etc ??!!! especially when the one who is criticizing them are not even scholars let alone be at the same position as these Imaams, or even to those who critisize Sheikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah ?, or to those Hadaadiyoon who criticize Imaam Ibn Hajar Al 'Asqalaani and Imaam An Nawawi and claim that they are innovators because of some mistakes ?, or those who accuse Sheikh Al Albaani of falling into Irjaa ?


We say to them " Are you stupid, you fool , Don't you have an intellect?!!, Do you know who are talking about ?, "

and We say to them " May Allaah have mercy on the one who knows his position "

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