الأحد، 18 يوليو 2010

Aboo Zur'ah ar Raazii on his deathbed.

القصة يحكيها محمد ابن مسلم ابن وارة الرازي
This story was narrated by Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn Waarah ar raazii
قال لأبي حاتم الرازي :هلم بنا ندخل علي أبي زُرْعَه(عبيد الله بن عبد الكريم الرازي نلقّْنه وكان ابو زرعه في النزع يحتضر
he said to Aboo Haatim Ar Raazii " lets us enter upon Aboo Zur'ah Ar Raazi and help him say the Shahaadah." Abu Zur'ah was on his deathbed.
فقال له أن من حقوق الصحبة أن نكون معه حتي آخر لحظه
he said to him " it is from the rights of friendship that you are with him till his last moment(breath).
فقال أبو حاتم : إني لأستحي من أن ألقن أبا زرعة (أبو زرعه الرازي أفني حياته في جمع أحاديث رسول الله عليه الصلاه والسلام وكان رجلاً عاملاً بعلمه)
Aboo Haatim said " Verily I am shy of helping Abu Zur'ah to say "Laa ilaaha ilaaLLaah" (because Abo Zur'ah was an Imaam and a big Muhadith and he use to act upon his knowledge)
فقال له : لنذهب إليه وندعي أننا سنتذاكرامامه حديث ( من كان آخر كلامه لا إله إلا الله دخل الجنة (
أنت تقول إسناد وأنا أقول إسناد حتي ينطق بالشهادة
فإتفقا وذهبا اليه فدخلا عليه

so Muhammad said to Abu Haatim, " we will go to him and we will act as if we are trying to revising infront of him - the hadeeth " Whosoever last words are laa ilaaha ilallaah will enter jannah"] and I will mention the Isnaad (Chain of Narrators) until he says the Shahaadah, So they agreed and they went him and entered upon him.
فقال محمد ابن مسلم ابن واره : حدثنا أبو عاصم النبيل قال حدثنا عبد الحميد ابن جغفر وسكت أرتج عليه ونسي الإسناد من هيبة ابي زرعة
then Muhammad ibn Muslim said (mentioning the hadeeth with isnaad) Aboo 'aazim An Nabeel informed us Abdull Hameed ibn Ja'far ...- then he stopped and he forgot the isnaad because of the status of Imaam Abuu Zur'ah
فقال أبو حاتم : حدثنا محمد ابن بشار قال حدثنا أبو عاصم النبيل قال حدثنا عبد الحميد ابن جعفرفرفر...وسكت وأرتج عليه من رهبة ابي زرعة ولم يستطيع ان يكمل الاسناد.
Then Abu Haatim said " Muhammad ibn Bashhaar informed us that he said Aboo 'aasim An Nabeel informed us that he said Abdul Hameed ibn Ja'far informed us ... he stopped and was shaken from the fear of Aboo Zur'ah and he was unable to complete the isnaad.
فقال ابو زرعه : أقيموني فأقاموه
فقال : حدثنا محمد ابن بشار قال حدثنا ابو عاصم النبيل قال حدثنا عبد الحميد ابن جعفر عن صالح ابن ابي عريب عن كثير ابن مره عن معاذ ابن جبل أن النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم قال ( من كان آخر كلامه لا إله إلا الله) وخرجت روحه مع الهاء ..
Then Abu Zur'ah said "Sit me up", they sat him up
He (Abu Zur'ah ) Said Muhammad ibn Basshaar informed us that he said Abu 'aasim informed us that he said Abdul Hameed ibn Ja'far informed us from Saalih ibn Abi 3areeb from katheer ibn Murrah from Mu'aadh ibn Jabal that the Messenger of Allaah salallahu alayhi wasallam said " Whoevers last words are Laa Ilaaha Illa-Allaah ..." His soul left his body just after he said the Haa in Allaah.

And the complete hadeeth was "whoever's last word are Laa ilaaha Illa Allaah will enter Jannah."

This Imaam's last word's was Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah.
not only did he die upon tawheed and upon Laa ilaaha illa Allaah He rahimahullah died while he was teaching Aboo Haatim and Muhammad ibn Muslim.

So be truthful to Allaah, Allaah will be truthful to you.

الخميس، 1 يوليو 2010

Are you crazy ?!!- Talking about the Imaams of the Sunnah. !!!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
الحمد الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليماً كثيراً أما بعد
يقول الإمام الذهبي وهو يدافع عن الإمام علي إبن المديني " أفما لك عقل يا عقيلي أتدري فيمن تتكلم.وإنما تبعناك في ذكرهذا النمط لنذب عنهم ولنزيف ما قيل فيهم كأنك لا تدري أن كل واحد من هؤلاء أوثق منك بطبقات بل وأوثق من ثقات كثيرين لم توردهم في كتابك فهذا مما لا يرتاب فيه محدث " .

Source: Al Miizaan

 Imaam Adh Dhahabi rahimahullah said while he was defending the Imaam, the Muhadith of his time, the one who Imaam Al Bukhaari felt small infront of, Imaam  'Ali ibn AlMadeeni rahimahullah 
" Don't you have an intellect oh 'Uqaylii !!. Do you know who are talking about ? !!!, we only followed you in mentioning their mistakes so that we can defend them and to destroy what was said about them. As if you don't know that every one of these (Muhaditheen) are more trustworthy than you by grades and they have been declared to be trustworthy by many of the trustworthy(Muhaditheen) and there is no doubt about this in any Muhadith. "

Source: Mizaan ul I'tidaal : 3/138-140 or the tarjamah of علي بنُ عبدِ اللهِ بنِ جعفر in Mizaanul I'tidaal

So Imaam Adh Dhahabi is talking like this to a Muhadith ( al 'Uqayli ) why, you may ask. because he rahimahullah included Ali ibn al Madeeni in his book Ad Du'afaa'a (the weak narrators) and he critisized him. 

Sheikh Muqbil rahimahullah commented on this statement of Imaam Dhahabi
فلو قلنا أفما لك عقل يا غزالي أو أفما لك عقل يا حسن الترابي لكنا مصيبين
"... If we said, "don't you have an intellect oh ghazaali?!!, or don't you have an intellect oh hasan at turaabi?!!, we would be correct.."

source: Lecture: Manhaju Ahlil Hadeeth.