قال رحمه الله تعالى
He - may Allaah have mercy on him - said
لا تتم سلامة القلب حتى يسلم من خمس
The safety of the heart will not be complete unless five things are avoided.
شرك يناقض التوحيد
1. Shirk that contradicts Tawheed
بدعة تخالف السنة
2. Bid'ah that opposes the Sunnah
شهوة تخالف الأمر
3. Desires that opposes the commandments
غفلة تناقض الذكر
4. Negligence that contradicts remembrance
هوى يناقض التجريد و الإخلاص
5. whims that contradicts Sincerity.
المصدر : كتاب الداء و الدواء , طبعة دار الصفا المصرية , الطبعة الأولى , ص152
Assalaamu 'alaik.. i think you meant to say 'Oppose' or contradict rather than 'Appose' which means to place next to.
ردحذفwa 3alaykumusalaam wara7matulaahi wabarakaatuh.
ردحذفyou are right, made couple of mistakes, i corrected it, anymore mistakes please feel free to correct me wa jazaakiAllaahu khairal jazaa